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What is palliative medicine?
Palliative medicine addresses the needs of people with serious or chronic illness to address symptoms, consider options for care and improve quality of life.

How is palliative care different from hospice care?
Palliative care supports patients with serious illness at any stage of disease. Hospice care is a specialized care to address the needs of patients with a limited life expectancy.

Who provides palliative care?
Palliative care is a holistic approach that involves an interdisciplinary team including doctors, nurses, social workers and other therapists and specialists who address the individual needs of patients.

How is a palliative care doctor different from other doctors?
Palliative care doctors focus on controlling symptoms, improving your quality of life, and helping you consider options for treatment. Your other doctors address your general health or specific disease.

Will I continue to see my personal doctor or specialist?
Yes. Your palliative care doctor will work with your entire medical team to address your needs.

Do I need a referral to receive palliative care?
Yes. You can speak with your physician or a hospital staff member if you think palliative care might be right for you.

Does insurance cover palliative care?
Most private insurance coverage includes palliative care services, as does Medicare and Medicaid coverage.

Is there a time limit on how long I can receive palliative care?
There is no time limit. If necessary, your palliative care team can help you transition to receive different care as your disease progresses.

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